Instructor paaldansen, burlesque, lapdance

My name is Leea and I am the proud owner of Temptation Sport.

Born and raised in Romania, I moved to the Netherlands in 2004, after finishing my Masters in Computer Science.

In Eindhoven I live with my boyfriend, our 6 years old daughter (who also loves Poledance) and our big shepherd dog of 60 kg ;).

From an early age I thought it was great to pass on my passion and knowledge to others. Whether it was about a software program or my love for animals, I always done this with great enthusiasm.

A few years ago I started pole dancing. This quickly became my passion and within 2 weeks I already had my own pole at home. Training 5 times a week was certainly not too much in addition to my full-time job. And this only because I liked it so much! With heels of course because the sensual side of pole dance is written on me!

After completing my pole dance instructor certification I started my own pole dance studio as I dreamed of: a cozy place where everyone can feel accepted no matter of gender, age, fitness level or hair color!
I believe that sexy is an attitude and an attitude can always be learned and trained.

I love to write poems and day-dream sometimes, even though I am very rational.
I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill a lot of things. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes I have a broken heart. But when I think about it and I take a step back... I remember how amazing my life truly is and that maybe, just maybe - I like being imperfect.

Imperfect! That's what you can call me. After all I am me, and don't fit a certain category. I'm just a girl who lives life day by day and always manages to put a smile on my face and when teaching pole dance I can just FLY!