Pole Dance

Pole Dance

Our studio provides a safe and feel-good environment for all to train and have fun! Our classes range from Levels Basic to Advanced. All classes are 60 minutes. Instructors follow a weekly schedule incorporating turns, lifts, tricks and combinations to gain strength, flexibility and self-confidence. Each class will be progressive and you will always feel challenged.

Dress Code: Dress for less, nothing fancy, the basic beginner pole dancing uniform is short shorts and a tank top. There’s actually a reason pole dancers wear very little clothing – our skin helps us grip onto the pole. In order to stick to the pole you need skin. For men you must wear shorts and a tank top. Dress code is strictly enforced. No shoes are worn in Pole Dance Classes. If you want to train with high heels, please check our Exotic Pole Classes.

Small Groups & Individual Attention: Our Pole Dance classes are always a max of 1 or 2 per pole and everyone gets individual attention on their own level.  Our poles are X-pole  45 cm chrome & pink coated. We also have one X-Pole Stage Lite.

Do Not :

  • use body lotion prior to or on the day of your class; you will slide off the pole and damage the finish on the poles.
  • wear  rings or bracelets as they will scratch the poles.

Come have fun and train with us! You'll be surprised of what your body can do!